Your journey to yourself...

...with worldwide recognized Qualification as a Coach

If you not only want to get out of your latent dissatisfaction, but also learn to support other people in bringing more ease, joy and fulfillment into their lives, you can complete an extended version of our #AwesomeLife program, which also comes with a globally recognized professional qualification as a coach. You will then go through the content of #AwesomeLife and also learn to coach other people.

And this at a very high level, as my coaching training is one of the few in the German-speaking region that has been accredited by the ICF (the largest and oldest coaching association in the world) as ICF-Accredited Coaching Education LEVEL 2.

In my coaching training you will meet people who are active in a controlling and directional function, e.g. as a manager, entrepreneur, human resources manager, consultant, trainer. And who, like you, strive to create excellent quality and the greatest possible benefit, to lead in dialogue and to reconcile economic efficiency and humanity.

What you'll learn and what you'll get out of it....

You develop your ability to successfully lead yourself and others through change. And in addition to the knowing, evaluating and mandating attitude that you have internalized as a manager or consultant, you learn to approach people with a questioning, listening and understanding attitude. Metaphorically spoken, this means that in the future you will drive through life with a second engine, so to speak ;-) In addition, you will become aware of what makes you special and how you can align yourself even more effectively in your professional life.


At the end of the training you will be able to lead people in an appreciative way and to support them effectively through coaching. You will have strengthened your communicative, analytical, social and emotional skills, you will have learned helpful coaching methods and you will be able to apply them in real life and you will have sharpened your personal profile.


At the end of the training, you can, for example, help other people ...

  • gain clarity about which professional role would suit them and confidently take the appropriate steps towards finding a job.
  • remain calm and level-headed in meetings with colleagues, even if their arguments are not taken up and expanded upon.
  • feel calm, confident, free and self-assured when giving presentations and speeches to large groups of people.
  • respond to colleagues from other departments who insist on their point of view in such a way that they are open to listen to other perspectives.
  • to find out whether they want to sell their company and, if so, which points in a sale are fixed and which are negotiable.
  • feel confident and well prepared when thinking about upcoming negotiations.
  • develop a clear idea of how they want to behave so that they are accepted in their new management role.
  • to find out whether they want to be self-employed or employed and in which job and industry.
  • resolve the doubts and insecurities that stand in their own way of pursuing their professional goals.
  • to be able to deal openly and confidently with colleagues who have triggered them and caused them anger and resentment.
  • find out how they can manage their employees in such a way that everyone is committed and actively contributes ideas and suggestions.
  • to radiate self-confidence when dealing with other people and actively approach strangers.
  • have the confidence to speak their mind in discussions with more senior managers.
  • to respond to criticism and accusations from customers or colleagues in a calm and level-headed manner and to smooth out the conflict.
  • stop driving themselves crazy at work, stay calm and work through their to-dos in a focussed and targeted manner.
  • switch off in the evening and relax instead of worrying about what has been left undone and still needs to be done.

... and much more!

What makes our Coaching Training special...

The special features of our coaching training at a glance:

  • Worldwide recognition by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as ICF-Accredited Coaching Education LEVEL 2
  • Non-violent communication (GFK) and Bottleneck-focused Strategy (EKS) as a basic mental attitude
  • Focus on the acquisition of a dialogical attitude
  • Gentle compulsion to deal with one's own identity and to find one's place in the world
  • Excellent toolbox of methods and tools from different schools (systemic, solution-oriented, behavioral therapy, NLP, NVC...) thanks to an eclectic approach
  • Comprehensive and intensive support by senior coaches with very long experience
  • At least 6 one-on-one mentor coaching sessions with Professional Certified Coachs and Master Certified Coachs (ICF)

The Milestones of a Coaching Process...

The diagram on the right shows you the cornerstones of a coaching process illustrated with the help of the metaphor of life as a ship's voyage.

In my coaching training you will learn how to accompany other people on such a 'journey'. 

Since you will apply everything we learn to yourself, you will also make a life-changing transformation on this journey. And so will we, the guides ;-)


The Focus of our Coaching Training...

The following topics await you:

  • Professional design of coaching processes
  • Self-leadership, stress management, resilience
  • Nonviolent communication in business
  • Formulating and achieving goals
  • Solution-oriented thinking and acting
  • Systemic attitude
  • Dissolving conflict & bringing about decisions
  • Dealing with unpleasant emotions
  • Mindfulness & meditation
  • Recognizing & overcoming limiting thought & behavior patterns
  • Finding identity: purpose, mission, vision, ideal professional direction
  • Positioning & marketing

What you can expect in our Coaching Training and what it takes from you for that...

For my ICF-accredited coaching training I offer two to three start dates each year for 10 travel enthusiasts each. If you want to join one of them, you should sign up for it early, as the places are often booked up months in advance.

We will meet Face2Face or virtually every 1-2 months for 2-4 days to support each other in strengthening our life satisfaction. And at the same time, to learn how to support others in doing so.

Between our modules, you will meet with one or two of the other members of your travel group  in tandems or triads for reflection conversations and coaching exercises. In addition, you will review professional readings, be coached by strangers, coach strangers yourself, and record some of your experiences and insights in the process.

For all this you should plan about ½ day per week in addition to our presence modules for self-reflection and exercises with peers. This is quite intense and you should only enroll if you are really, really willing to make this time investment. Your reward is a profound update of your life and also the acquisition of a globally recognized ICF-accredited professional qualification with the title Business Coach IHK. Your financial investment is 7.890 € (VAT exempt).

The next training will start on July 15, 2024. A mandatory prerequisite to be admitted to the course is the written answer to some self-reflection questions. The questionnaire is below this text in the PDFs for download. You can find more detailed information about the course content and requirements as well as the application form in the course announcement below and on the homepage of the Educational Center of the Chamber of Commerce Karlsruhe (IHK-BIZ) under this link. In any case, registration is done via the IHK-BIZ.

Self-reflection Questions for prospective Trainees
Digital fillable Questionnaire
BC Selbstreflexionsfragen.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 128.4 KB
Course Announcement - Start Date 15.07.2024
Detailed Program Description
BC 36 - 15.07.24 Kompakt mit Literatur.p
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 915.5 KB
Course Announcement - Start Date 12.04.2024
Detailed Program Description
BC 35 - 12.04.24 mit Literatur.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 915.4 KB
Course Announcement - Start Date 18.10.2024
Detailed Program Description
BC 37 - 18.10.24 mit Literatur.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 915.7 KB

You can get further insights into my course...

... through some testimonials from former course participants as well as a report by the journalist Friederike Blaser, which was published in the specialist magazine ZukunftBeruf and an interview that Hanne Demel from the Institute for Emotional Management conducted with me.

Press Release Coach-Training ZukunftBeruf
ZukunftBeruf Business Coach IHK.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 621.1 KB

"I finished a 12-months training program to become a certified Business Coach. It was an intense and challenging, but also highly rewarding experience. What did I learn? How to manage emotions and feelings, identify needs, discover beliefs, create psychological safety, ask inspiring questions, provide feedback, and set objectives. I took the course in order to add coaching to my leadership style, and I can highly recommend it to every leader with a similar ambition. In particular, I would like to thank Silvia Richter-Kaupp, who was a fantastic trainer during the last year."

Dr. Johannes Wechsler, Chief Digital Officer, BAUHAUS Deutschland 

"For me, the training as Business Coach was a turning point and a start into a new phase of my life. Because I have developed professionally and privately in a way that I did not expect. Today I approach people differently and can accompany them in a way that suits them. I was able to realize my dream of empowering people who are committed to sustainable change. At the same time, I had to clear away some of the obstacles on my personal path. Today, five years later, I am more relaxed, more satisfied, and more effective. And when new stones appear, I see them as an offer and an opportunity to grow a little further. I am grateful that Silvia Richter-Kaupp allowed me to learn everything I needed to know, and I can recommend this valuable training without reservation."

Andrea Matt, Dipl.-Designerin, Business-Coach (IHK) und Trainerin,

"Becoming a Business Coach - trained by Silvia Richter-Kaupp - was an amazing sailing trip! An awesome captain teaching us about how to sail. Lovely and impressing people forming a crew to learn, practice, laugh, fail, and succeed. Many thanks to everybody who supported me during this part of my journey."

Jan Breitling, Manager, Robert Bosch GmbH

"I can recommend this coaching training because it gives you a very solid education regarding attitude, competencies and methods and you get to know yourself a bit better. For me it was an excellent complement to my experience as a Scrum Master and trainer to arrive in my new role as an agile coach and to support employees of our company as a coach."

Udo Pieles, Agile Coach

"Taking the Business Coach training with Silvia Richter-Kaupp was one of the best decisions I have made so far in my professional career. The training gave me the impetus to realize my long-held dream of self-employment as a coach, systemic therapist & consultant and offered me an excellent foundation for this: In her coach training, Silvia combines the transfer of theoretical knowledge about coaching, different coaching approaches & methods with very many practical exercises & self-awareness. In addition, she encourages constant reflection on oneself, inner processes, one's own attitude as a coach as well as one's own professional future, which makes the training holistic and comprehensive. Silvia is extremely authentic and appreciative as a coach and lecturer. I can highly recommend the training!"

Martina Mayer - self-employed as coach, systemic therapist & consultant,

"Silvia understands in an unprecedented way to inspire heterogeneous groups for the topic of coaching and to carry them away into the depth of the topic. With indescribable subtlety and tact, she manages to take even rational participants like me, for whom causality and tangibility are important, on this journey outside the comfort zone and make new experiences comprehensible. It is an overwhelming experience to get the content and skills from her in this course. I am thankful that I was allowed to do this training, even more thankful that I was allowed to do this training with Silvia!"

Alex, Consultant in the IT / Defense Industry

"I found the training very intensive, even between the modules. The trainers were humanly present and credible. The group size of only 10 participants also contributed greatly to creating a good basis of trust. The numerous sessions with real clients allowed me to gain confidence as a coach. And I especially appreciate the ability to listen now without immediately starting the »solution machine« inside."

Tobias Ritter, Software Developer at SAP

"When I started my coaching training in 2017 at the age of 57, no one understood why I was investing so much time and money. I didn't know what life still had to offer me at the end of my professional career or what would happen in my job. Before beginning the training, I had received coaching with the question of what I could do if I lost my job at the age of 57. During those eight sessions with a fellow coach, whom I met as part of a human resources program at my then-employer, the result was to complete a coaching training. It combined my interests, what was important to me, and the opportunity to share my experiences. The one-year training was an intensive journey, also for me. The way Silvia conveyed the professional topics was characterized by a lot of empathy and heart. This setting influenced the entire training group, and we were able to work on the business topics with a loving togetherness. Through this and subsequent training courses, several doors opened for me, which I was able to pass through when I took early retirement at the age of 63. As a job coach, I now work for several educational institutions. Embedded in the CoachCommunity network, the ICF coaching association, and the continuing education opportunities of the educational institutions, I've experienced diverse exchanges and am always learning about new coaching topics. This path was exactly the right one, and the foundation was my coaching education. Thank you, dear Silvia!"

Ralf Kallenborn, Business Coach (IHK),

If you want something different, you probably have to do something different.